Time to think and do differently

EqualHouse is an EU Horizon research project. It is the first research project to integrate all dimensions of housing inequality into one transdisciplinary and transnational research design. By analysing the many aspects of housing inequality, hitherto largely studied separately, it will make key contributions to our understanding of housing inequality and how it can be tackled.

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#Housing2030 shows how policy makers can improve affordable housing outcomes and at the same time play a constructive role in addressing ongoing climate change and stimulate social and economic progress. #Housing2030 provides a ‘tool kit’ rather than a universal ‘blueprint’, to respond to the different and changing demands of member states and regions.

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EU funded project
The EqualHouse project and this website have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº101132325 .The views expressed on this website and its contents are the sole responsibility of the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.